Hot Water Heaters

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The hot water heater is a staple in commercial and residential settings. A necessity to generate hot water for dishwashing, laundry, and bathing. Like most appliances, the hot water heater is oftentimes ignored until it malfunctions. The mere thought of a cold shower is enough to urge consumers to take immediate action. Fortunately for New York City residents, our hot water heater repair is only a phone call away.

Quick Response Time

Our company makes hot water replacement and repair easy. We employ qualified plumbers licensed by the State of New York. Our customer support team will not delay dispatching a licensed plumber to your home. Our response time is between 24 and 48 hours.

Hot Water Heater Repair

To determine the root of the problem, the plumber conducts a visual inspection of the water heater. The data collected through the inspection is utilized to diagnose and repair. The most common problem that causes a hot water heater to malfunction is a bad element. The culprit could be a broad range of things, such as a cracked burner, blown thermostat, blocked flue, damaged cold water valve, or broken temperature pressure relief valve.

At first glance, a hot water heater appears to be a simple appliance. A deeper look unveils a complex operation that heats cold water to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Within seconds of turning on the tap, the water is hot. If the tap water does not turn hot within a few seconds, the culprit is a malfunctioning hot water heater.

Hot Water Heater Replacement

Not all repairs can be completed without disassembling the water heater. Since this is not an option, the unit must be replaced. A technician will assist the customer in choosing a replacement unit. The final say is always in the customer’s hand. The technician is there to offer professional recommendations, such as brand and model.

Hot Water Heater Installation

We offer hot water installation for new homes. The installation will be completed before the family moves into the home to ensure the highest level of convenience

Our hot water heater repair, replacement, and installation services are cost- and time-efficient. Our service request response time is between 24 and 48 hours in most cases. We understand the importance of a hot water heater which is why our customer support is available five days a week and some weekends.

Call today to require a free water heater inspection. We want to ensure our New York City customers to best water heater repair experience possible.

If you have any other plumbing issues please check out our other services

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